Saturday, November 1, 2014

It's Time...

It's Fall Back Time...

Time to change the Time. I love it when I get my hour back.

Did you know that Daylight Savings Time was proposed by an English builder named William Willet? At the time, in 1907 he decided that he needed more afternoon daylight time to enjoy his golf game. I think that Mr. Willet was behind the times because morning light is the best time of the day to get things done.

You have heard the old saying, "Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Benjamin Franklin said this, and I have to agree mornings are my favorite time of the day. Old Ben thought Daylight Savings Time was a good idea also.

So tomorrow will give me more time to sleep in, more time to exercise, and more time to knit, maybe I will get that sweater done after all. I must be sure to check the central time so we won't be to early to church on mountain time.
All in all there will just be more time at least until Springtime...