Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This Week in Nebraska

My Birthday, a 65 year milestone..

A Sunday snowstorm, about 5 inches..

Auction on Saturday, lots of treasures..

Work ..
Reading: Killing Jesus ..

My Chickens quit laying eggs for the last 3 days... no idea why???

Ducks are still hanging together..
Turkeys coop is almost done...
      Turkeys have doubled in size...

Knitting a cupcake...

 Had sweet potato and corn patties for dinner...

Making Easter baskets...
I love Easter..

                                          New Baby Getting Bigger and Cuter
                                                            I can't wait to see her...

                In my back yard tonight...

Trees are getting ready to burst green...

Driving to Denver this weekend...
Baking cake tomorrow..

Moving tired tonight..time for bed...